Our Research

Curriculum That Works

powerUp-READING+MATH PowerUp Reading and PowerUp Math is for students in Grades Pre-K-12. It’s an interdisciplinary curriculum that is thematic-, project- and research-based.  As students learn to read and do math, they will be exposed to other subjects including, science, history, music, arts, geography, math and technology.  This exciting, innovative curriculum was developed specifically for out-of-school time and/or supplemental support.  Students will engage in fun, practical learning activities that carry over into the regular school day and life as a whole.


All products and services developed by EduPower are extensively researched and tested.  All professional development services are aligned with highly effective adult learning strategies.  EduPower trainers model what is being taught so that participants leave knowing how to implement new ideas and strategies right away.

Check back soon to learn more about our research-based curriculum.


Aligned with Common Core Standards 

The PowerUp Reading and Math curricula are aligned with Common Core standards to ensure that teachers and/or parents can support students to make academic gains that will be evident in the classroom.


Comprehensive Teaching Strategies 

EduPower employs a variety of teaching strategies to help diverse students understand and apply reading strategies. These strategies are innovative and have been proven to work.


Differentiated Instruction 

Each lesson includes strategies to differentiate instruction to meet the varying needs of each individual student. Strategies will include various cooperative learning techniques.


Assessment Driven 

Click here to learn more about PowerUp Curriculum Parents and teachers may use our grade-leveled, criterion-referenced pre/post-assessment to determine student strengths and weaknesses and gains after instruction. Regular benchmark assessments may also be used to determine skill mastery.


Friendly Workbook Design 

Our materials are designed to be easy to use for all levels of experience. From veteran to new teachers, to experienced and new homeschool professionals, you will enjoy using our materials.



We believe that learning should be fun. Our curriculum is designed to meet the learning and teaching styles of everyone. Students will sing, move, and create with our curriculum while using their 5 senses.